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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Why Listen To These Partisans?

President Trump has listed three individuals as nominees to serve on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Two were nominated over the objection of both of California's senators (Feinstein and Harris).  The Democrat senators denounced the nominees as unacceptable partisans.

Think about that for a moment.  Feinstein and Harris have both been extremely partisan in connection with the confirmation of judges.  Remember, it was Feinstein who launched the whole last minute smear campaign against Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was being confirmed to the Supreme Court.  Harris has jumped into the attacks on judges as well.  For example, Harris has attacked some nominees for being Catholic.  Nevertheless, Feinstein and Harris want to preserve the 9th Circuit as the nation's most liberal and loony federal court.  Even though they voted against essentially every one of the judicial nominees put forward by President Trump on partisan grounds, they want to lambaste Trump for nominating a conservative over their objection.  Trump is just so partisan, you see.

President Trump deserves our congratulations for ignoring Harris and Feinstein, especially on the basis of "partisanship".  These new nominees will be confirmed in the near future.  They will bring the total of judges on the 9th circuit appointed by Trump up to 5.  That's less than remain on the court appointed by Clinton, or Bush, or Obama.  The leftist tilt of the 9th Circuit will remain in place until Trump gets to appoint more judges.  There has to be some balance restored to the 9th circuit.  We ought not have a court where the results are so clearly predictable just relying on politics alone.

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