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Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Truth that Never Gets Mentioned

Here's a question for you:  did you know that three times in the last two weeks measures were presented in the House that would have resulted in federal workers getting paid immediately.  The resolutions would have authorized the government to pay workers for the period since the partial shutdown began and to continue to pay those workers in the future.  In short, the resolution would have enabled all the federal workers who have been on the job unpaid to get their wages and those who have been furloughed to return to work with pay.  There would still be other items on hold due to the partial shutdown, but the main people suffering from the shutdown would have their pain ended.

On each vote, the GOP was unanimous in supporting the measure.  The Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the measure, however.  There has been some movement towards supporting this bill among Democrats, but so far only 13 are currently voting to pay federal workers.

If the House were to pass this measure, it would quickly pass in the Senate and would get signed by the President. 

Next time you see a report about how the Republicans are causing the federal workers to go without their paychecks, look to see if the reporter even bothers to mention that it is the Democrats who have stopped the workers from being paid.  It's not very likely that it will be in the news article.  It's hard for reporters to blame the GOP if they tell the truth about how the Democrats are blocking getting the workers paid.

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