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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Total Lunacy

It has been just about two weeks since the new members of Congress were sworn in, but there's been some pretty bizarre twists in those two weeks.

1.  Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat from Minnesota, is one of the leaders of this trend.  Her latest move was telling CNN that senator Lindsey Graham is being controlled by the White House through some sort of blackmail.  Really, that's what she said.  She was asked for her evidence to support such an astonishing charge, and Omar offered as proof Graham's behavior supporting Trump.  Seriously, she said that because Graham supports Trump, he must be under duress of some sort.  Omar is also a blatant anti-Semite who has called for the destruction of Israel and railed against Jewish support for Israel.  This week, however, as part of the move towards bizarre behavior, Omar said that she is "surprised" that those comments offended Jews.  She's nuts.

2.  Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan is another member of the Bizarro Caucus.  I've written about her previously.  Her most recent bit of craziness is her comment on the anti-BDS bill that the Democrats are blocking in the Senate.  The bill makes clear that it is permissible for American people and companies and governments to refuse to do business with people who participate in the BDS movement.  BDS, of course, is a group which seeks a boycott of any person, company or entity which does business with Israel.  The goal of BDS is the destruction of Israel.  Tlaib says that it would be un-American and unconstitutional for such a bill to be passed because it would limit the right of Americans to exercise free speech by participating in the BDS movement.  Think about that one for a moment.  Tlaib says that Americans are exercising free speech by participating in a boycott against those who do business with Israel.  Then she says that a law which allows Americans to exercise free speech by participating in a boycott against those who are boycotting Israel is un-American and unconstitutional.  Huh?  It's a typical sort of liberal idea from the speech police.  For example, if you speak in favor of abortion, it's just the exercise of free speech, but if you speak against abortion, you are a purveyor of hate speech and must be shouted down.  It remains completely illogical.

3.  The clear leader of the Bizarro Caucus is, of course, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.  There are way too many examples of her strange behavior to list them here.  The truly bizarre thing though is not that she makes idiotic and unfactual statements on a daily basis.  No, the bizarre twist is that so many in the media just accept her remarks without ever fact checking them and pointing out the truth.

4.  Then there's the grand poobah of the Bizarro Democrats.  That's Nancy Pelosi.  Just yesterday she said that the State of the Union had to be postponed for security reasons during the partial shutdown.  Within a half hour, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that security for SOTU was all planned and would be in place without any problem at the time of the address.  That was followed by the House majority leader, Steny Hoyer, tell Bret Baier on Fox News that there was really no security issue for the SOTU.  Hoyer said that the Dems didn't think it was right to go ahead with the SOTU during a shutdown.  He gave no reason for that.  So Pelosi offered a position based upon some supposed "facts" and in less than two hours her facts were disproven and her deputy admitted that what Pelosi gave as her reason wasn't the actual reason.  In other words, Hoyer admitted that Pelosi had lied.  Even in Washington where lying seems to have replaced baseball or football as the town's favorite sport, this was a bizarre act by Pelosi.

If this trend continues, we are going to reach total lunacy in DC in just a short time.

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