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Saturday, February 16, 2019

At Some Point, They Have To Consider What's Good For the Country, Don't They?

Everyone knows that the Democrat base doesn't like President Trump.  He beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and she was entitled to be president; it was the basis for her campaign.  After that upset win, the Democrat leaders didn't move on to consider how to change in order to win the next time.  No, the Democrats and their media allies decided that they would participate in an ongoing attack on the President by claiming that his campaign had colluded with Russia and that was why he won.  It's a baseless lie, but it did major damage.  The Democrat base believed this garbage even though there is no evidence to support it, so they got more and more angry at Trump.  It moved from the Democrat office holders covering their collective behinds with a phony tale of collusion to the reverse where the base of the party is now demanding total opposition to Trump.  The problem, however, is the major damage that this is doing to the USA.

Let's look at a simple example.  In Venezuela, the socialist kleptocracy of Maduro has collapsed.  Maduro has remained in office only though the efforts of the generals whose livelihood depends on keeping the dictator in power.  The suffering masses of Venezuela have gone to the streets to oppose Maduro and their leader has now been proclaimed acting president.  America has recognized the new president.  So have nearly every nation in South America as well as Canada, Mexico, most of Central America, nearly every nation in NATO and much of Asia.  The only foreign supporters left for Maduro are Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Russia and China.  As I write this, American planes with relief supplies for the people in Venezuela have landed in Colombia at cities along the border with Venezuela.  So what is the reaction from the Democrats?  They are professing outrage that the USA is interfering in Venezuela.  They are taking at face value the lies from Maduro that America is planning a military intervention in Venezuela and then denouncing Trump for considering that action.  Think about that.  Trump is supposed to be a Russian puppet according to the lies of the Democrats, but the President is opposing the Russian puppet in Venezuela and the Democrats are supporting that puppet.  So who is on the side of the Russians?

No one is seriously advocating an American intervention in Venezuela at this point.  That doesn't seem to matter, though.  The Democrats are still denouncing such an intervention and promoting the interests of the Maduro dictatorship and its Russian and Chinese sponsors.  That position is dictated by the crazies in the Democrat base who see any agreement with a Trump policy as unacceptable even if that policy is clearly the right course for the country.

At some point, the Democrats have to consider what's good for the country and not just what's bad for the President.  There's no way the American people are going to allow the Dems to govern if their only policy is Trump bashing mixed with crazy ideas like the Green New Deal or the end of private health insurance via Medicare for All.

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