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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Let's Not Lose Sight of the New Infanticide Laws

With all the upset and focus on Democrat governor Ralph Northam of Virginia and his on again off again admission to posting a picture of himself either in blackface or a KKK robe and hood in his med school yearbook, there is inadequate attention to Northam's lobbying for and support of a bill in VA that would have legalized infanticide.  Abortion was to be made legal up to the moment of birth.  If a child survived a late term abortion, Northam said the baby could be made comfortable while the mother and her doctor decided what to do.  In other words, if the mother didn't want the child, she could have it left to die.  Fortunately, that bill was defeated by the VA legislature.  Nevertheless, the vote came the same week that New York amended its poorly named Reproductive Health Act to allow abortion at any time until birth.

The NY law and the VA attempt to pass a new law are just the latest efforts by radical supported of abortion who have no regard for the rights of the infant.  For them, the baby has no rights until it is born, and even after that according to governor Northam and the VA bill.  This stands the entire central idea of the USA on its head.

American have unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  For much of our history, the main battles fought within the country have been to protect these rights and expand their coverage to all people.  Will we sit by while radical pro-abortion Democrats try to take the lives of those babies who could easily survive after birth?  The Supreme Court ruled almost 50 years ago that such babies have the right to life.  Justifying the murder of these babies by claiming that the birth would harm the mental health of the mother is just not sufficient to allow them to be put to death.  The law is clear that in cases where the life of the mother is at stake, a choice can be made.  A threat to the health of the mother, especially the mental health of the mother, is not sufficient to allow the state to condone the murder of the baby.

I'm curious why there has yet to be a legal challenge to the NY statute on just this basis.  There may be someone putting that challenge together as I write this.  I think, however, that the pro-abortion radicals may have made a major mistake with the NY law.  A challenge to that law will inevitably get to the Supreme Court.  This could be the vehicle that SCOTUS uses to limit late term abortions to only those situations where the life of the mother is at stake.  That would not even be a change in constitutional law, but it would mean a true end for essentially all late term abortions.

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