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Saturday, February 9, 2019

How to Teach Millenials About What the Green New Deal Means

We now have the far left pushing the Green New Deal which will "save the planet".  Many people, especially millennials, are supporting this plan without ever considering what it would mean for America, for the planet and for individuals.  These people need to hear the facts and not the propaganda.  Here are the facts:

1.  What will the Green New Deal do for the planet. -- Answer:  nothing.  The point of the Green New Deal is to reduce carbon emissions in the USA as low as possible.  America is the source of less than 14% of all carbon emissions worldwide, and that percentage has been declining for years.  The big producers of carbon emissions are China and India, and their emissions are growing quickly.  Even were the USA to get rid of 90% of its carbon emissions in the next ten years, the rising levels coming from China, India and elsewhere would still result in levels that the left has told us will mean extreme global warming.

2.  What will the Green New Deal mean for individuals? -- Answer:  There will be some rather large changes.  These include
     a.  Changes in diet.  Part of the Green New Deal is to get rid of cows in order to reduce "cow farts".  That means there will be no beef, no hamburgers, and no steaks.  There also will be no milk, butter, ice cream, cheese, or Pizza.
     b.  Changes in travel.  The Green New Deal calls for the end of air travel.  There won't be many trips anywhere.  Cars will also be banned unless they are electric.  Even so, car travel will be limited and people will have to use public transportation.  That means no vacations except very close to home.  It also means the end of professional sports as we know them; there can't be teams from NY playing those from LA if it takes three days each way for the trip to go coast to coast.
     c.  Changes in jobs.  The chance to get a good job will almost surely disappear.  Something like half of all American jobs depend on automotive products, travel, energy production, and other fields that will be wiped away by the Green New Deal.  Most people will have to scrape by without a well paying job.

3.  What will the Green New Deal mean for the USA?  Here the prognosis is bleak.
     a.  Changes in defense.  Since the USA will no longer fly planes, the US airforce will be disbanded.  So too, weapons like tanks and truck mounted systems will be phased out.  Nearly every weapons system that allows America to defend itself will be gone.  We will have to go back to fighting wars with weapons and tactics that were used 100 years ago.  That will mean huge numbers of dead and wounded.  To put this in context, in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953, there were almost 50,000 American soldiers killed.  In Afghanistan from 2001 to 2019, our superior weapons systems allowed the fight to proceed with only about 2300 American soldiers killed.
     b.  Changes in the economy.  Since the Green new Deal will kill so many American industries, the economy will be forced into a depression.
There are more effects from the Green New Deal, but these ought to be sufficient to explain why this is such a dangerous and idiotic idea.

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