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Friday, February 8, 2019

The Green New Deal Will Ensure Trump Wins In 2020

Yesterday, I watched and read the coverage of the Green New Deal which was unveiled by various leading left wing Democrats.  Since then, I've been thinking about just what passage of that plan would mean for me.  Here are just a few items:

My younger daughter lives in Denver and I live in Connecticut.  The Green New Deal would end travel by air and would substitute "high speed rail".  That means that in all likelihood, I would get to see my daughter again only maybe once or twice more in my lifetime.  The journey by train across the continent would just be too much to undertake.  Like me, there are a great many people who have family across the continent.  I don't think they will like this change.

For medical reasons, I have to eat a low carb diet which means that I consume a lot of meat.  The Green New Deal wants to eliminate "farting cattle".  That would mean the elimination of nearly all meat from the American diet.  It would also mean the end of milk, cheese and butter as we know them.  I'm not sure what would be left to eat aside from a grain based diet which I could not consume without serious medical problems.  What responsible parent wants to remove milk from his or her child's diet?  What average American wants to give up hamburgers or steaks?  I don't think most Americans will like this idea.

I first held a job at age 14 and worked hard during my adult life.  It wasn't always fun or a good time.  Nevertheless, I had to support myself and then my family.  I had to work.  The Green New Deal promises that there will be full government support for "those who are unwilling to work."  In other words, if you want to be lazy and just sit at home, no worries!  The government -- meaning the rest of us -- will pay for your lifestyle.  I don't think that most Americans will like this idea either.

In the winter, it gets cold in Connecticut.  As a result, we heat our home.  That may not sound like much, but it's important because we rely on natural gas to run the heating system.  The Green New Deal will do away with that possibility.  Only electric systems that operate on electricity generated by wind or solar energy will be allowed.  Right now, outside my window it is totally overcast.  There is no sunshine, and that is not uncommon here especially in the winter.  There is also no discernible wind.  According to the weather app on my phone, the wind is "calm".  Again, that is not uncommon.  So what happens?  Would there be no heat?  We can't supplement the heat by building a fire in the fireplace; that would be barred by the Green New Deal.  We would just freeze.  I don't think most Americans will like this idea either.

I live in a single family home, as do most Americans.  As a result, the cost of heating the home is more than it would be in an apartment building.  My home has many outside walls where the heat loss is greater than would be the case in an apartment building where most of the walls are interior.  The Green New Deal calls for rebuilding every structure in the USA.  What that means is that the single family home will be disfavored.  We will all have to move into apartments.  That may work in a city, but in suburbs or rural America where a majority of us live, it just won't fly.  I don't think most Americans will like this idea either.

My wife and I each have a car.  They get close to 30 miles per gallon on the highway.  It doesn't matter.  The Green New Deal would bar the use of these vehicles by 2030.  I would have to switch to electric by then.  Again, I don't think that most Americans will like this idea.

The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that the Green New Deal will assure that President Trump is re-elected in 2020 -- and in a landslide.

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