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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Weiner is Out of Prison

Anthony Weiner was released from federal prison this weekend.  The former NY Democrat congressman and mayoral candidate and the husband of Huma Abedin is a free man.  Hopefully he learned his lesson and will no longer be sexting with young women/girls that he met on the internet.

Ok, the guy has "paid his debt to society" to use the old description for a newly released convict.  he deserves to live the rest of his life in peace -- on one condition:  Weiner better not try to re-enter public life.  If he runs for office again, he will lose, even in NY.  If he tries to become a lobbyist, he should know that anything that he pushes for will be immediately tainted by his involvement.  This may sound truly horrible to Weiner, but he's going to have to get a real job.  Maybe he could drive a bus -- but not a school bus.  Maybe he could open a hot dog stand in midtown Manhattan.  He could call it Weiner's Weiners.  Whatever he does, I hope this is the last time I ever hear news about him.

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