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Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Green New Deal -- or -- Big Shop of Horrors

What do you think of these points which are all supposed to happen in the next 10 years:

1.  Consumption of meat will be phased out in the USA.  This will reduce animal flatulence.  No, really, that's the reason.

2.  Air travel in the USA will be phased out.

3.  Cars that run on gasoline or diesel will be phased out.

4.  All generating plants that operate on coal, natural gas, nuclear or oil will be closed.  Only renewable energy like wind and solar will be used.  (Of course, there's no explanation what will happen if it's a calm night with neither wind nor sun.)

5.  Every building in the USA will be rebuilt with better energy efficiency to reduce power consumption.

There's a batch more, but let's just stop here.  The points above are from the Green New Deal being pushed by the Democrats.  Kamala Harris just endorsed them this morning.  They are a recipe for the destruction of the American economy.  They are also a plan for mass starvation, cold and poverty.

I guess the only fair way to describe this plan is "completely crazy". 

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