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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Senator Warren Joins the Campaign

Senator Elizabeth Warren has jumped into the Democrat campaign for the nomination for president in 2020.  Strange things happen sometimes, but in my opinion very few things would be stranger than Warren actually getting that nomination.  If Warren had never claimed to be a Native American, she would still have at best a slim chance.  Most Americans don't want to vote for a president who seems much like a librarian on amphetamines.  A president needs to have a vision; it's not enough to be a scold all the time.  Warren would lose on that alone.  But, of course, there is Warren's phony claim to be a Cherokee and the issue of how she used that false claim to get ahead in life.  So we have an old dishonest Democrat woman who is constantly telling others what they can and cannot do.  She's like Hillary Clinton without Bill.  America already rejected the version that came with Bill Clinton.  No one is going to want a new version of the same thing.

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