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Monday, February 11, 2019

Beto-mania? Where?

Tonight in El Paso, Beto O'Rourke held a counter rally against building the border wall because President Trump was coming to town for his own rally.  No one expected that the O'Rourke rally would be as large as the Trump gathering.  Even so, O'Rourke's rally was so small that it was an embarrassment for the Texas Democrat.  Beto drew only a few hundred people to his rally even though he has been the local congressman for a number of terms.  Trump drew at least 30 times more people than O'Rourke.

This is a potential killer blow for the not-yet-declared Beto for President movement.  We've been told over and over again by the mainstream media that Texas is filled with "Beto-mania" which is the tremendous interest of Texans in Beto.  Well, tonight, Beto O'Rourke proved convincingly that Beto-mania does not exist.  Beto has nothing else going for him as a reason to run for president.  He just lost an election to Ted Cruz for senate.  So Beto is a loser who is unable to draw much of a crowd in his own state. 

My guess is that after tonight's performance, the next we hear from Beto will be his announcement that he has decided not to run.

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