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Friday, February 1, 2019

Booker Joins the Fray

New Jersey's Democrat senator Booker has jumped into the presidential contest for 2020.  It's not much of a surprise.  Nor will it have much of an impact.  Booker tried positioning himself as the new Obama over the last few years.  Sadly, he often came across as crazed and crass at the same time.  Booker just doesn't have Obama's smoothness or cool.  And now, Booker isn't even the only person of color in the Democrat race.  My prediction is the Booker will flame out early in the primary process.  By the day after Super Tuesday in 2020, Booker will surely be gone from the race.

Booker does have one distinction.  He may be the only closeted gay man in the field.  I have no proof of that either way, but the rumors about Booker's sexual preferences are always on the internet.  Booker has denied these rumors in the past, and he is unlikely to change that position.  Still, we Booker to come out now, it would get him some media coverage.  I just don't know if it would help him in the primaries.

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