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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

CNN Says Mueller Is Finished

CNN is reporting that the special counsel Robert Mueller is finishing his final report and could turn it over to the Attorney General by next week.  This is big news across the internet.  But here's the key question:  since CNN gets things wrong again and again, why would anyone pay attention to this report?  It cites no source to confirm that the Mueller probe is wrapping up.  Instead, CNN reports that some employees of the special counsel were seen pushing carts filled with files out of the office and taking them to some other and unknown location.  CNN also notes that four employees of the special counsel have gone back to other work in the Justice Department.  So, I ask again about CNN, "Are they kidding?" 

It may turn out that the report from Mueller will be delivered next week.  It could also come the following week.  It may also come in 2020.  Nothing would be surprising.  The reality is that CNN doesn't know and its rather baseless speculation should be given no weight.  Indeed, given CNN's track record for error, the report from CNN makes it more likely than not that there will NOT be any report next week.

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