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Monday, February 18, 2019

Calling a Spade A Club

USA Today is running an article that says that Republicans in the Senate are "plotting" against the Green New Deal (the GND) by scheduling a vote on that plan being pushed by the far left of the Democrat party.  According to the article, "It's not because the GOP supports the transformation of the electric grid from fossil fuels to renewable energy called for in the plan to combat climate change. Or because Republicans agree with the approach the plan lays out for boosting Americans' economic security and giving people access to affordable health care."  Those two sentences seem to take the Green New Deal and transform it into something it isn't all at the expense of the truth.

Think of it this way:  The GND calls for the end of air travel and its replacement with high speed trains.  That amazingly unworkable idea isn't mentioned by USA Today as part of the GND.  The GND calls for the elimination of cattle in order to get rid of cow flatulence.  That would mean the end of beef from the American diet along with all dairy products like milk, cheese and ice cream.  That ridiculous idea isn't mentioned in the USA Today article.  The GND calls for the reconstruction of every building in the country in the next decade.  That also isn't mentioned in the USA Today article.  The GND calls for everyone to get a government guaranteed job or else an income from the government for those unable or UNWILLING to work.  The USA Today article calls that "boosting American's economic security."  There's a big difference between economic security and welfare for all, but the article doesn't mention that.  The GND also wants to end private health insurance and replace it with a government run system.  After seeing what a mess the government made of the Veterans healthcare system, we are supposed to believe that a totally government run system would provide good healthcare.  Hundreds of millions of people with access to good healthcare through their jobs are supposed to replace that with access to a government plan so that a few million others can have access to affordable healthcare.  But people with low income already have access to affordable healthcare through Medicaid.  The ones without coverage are the ones who don't take advantage of what the current system provides.  The GND wants to disrupt and then destroy the entire American health system so that those who now choose not to take advantage of the healthcare system will be able to do so in the future.  In other words, the healthcare system that covers the bulk of the American people will be trashed to provide a benefit to others that they already have.  The GND also calls for the end of the industries that provide coal, oil, natural gas, and a host of other products important to the US economy.  Literally tens of millions of people would lose their jobs at the same time that taxes would at least triple just to pay for all this program, but USA Today doesn't mention this.

No, USA Today presents the GND as some sort of beneficial plan to promote environmental and economic benefits.  That's completely divorced from reality.  USA Today should be ashamed.

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