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Friday, February 22, 2019

Next Week Brings a Big Test For the Democrats

Next week, the Senate is going to vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a law that would mandate medical care for infants born alive in the context of abortion.  This is going to be a major test for senate Democrats.

Think about it.  A doctor performs a late term abortion.  The baby survives.  The new law would say that the doctor then must provide treatment to the child so that it can stay alive.  In other words, the doctor cannot kill the living infant or deny it treatment and thereby consign it to certain death.  No matter what their view on abortion during the first trimester, the vast majority of Americans are against the killing of live infants even if they were only born due to a failed abortion.  As a result, one would think that this bill would pass the senate unanimously, but that is wrong.  The most strident supporters of abortion on demand oppose this bill and actually argue that it is an attack on the rights of the mother.  As a result, a Democrat who votes for the bill runs the risk of losing support from the pro-abortion absolutists.  A Democrat presidential candidate like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris or Cory Booker would not want to be denounced by the abortionists for the vote.  They are stuck in a quandary.  If they want the nomination, they have to vote no.  If they want to win the election, they have to vote yes.

Right now there are at least seven Democrats in the senate who are running or likely to run for the 2020 nomination.  There's no way that they will all come out on the same side of this issue.  This is going to be a very interesting vote.

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