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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Left Wing Lunacy Hard To Control Once Unleashed

In most of the recent past, we've seen the left wing of the Democrats (which is most of them) smearing Republicans with all sorts of phony charges.  We heard the any candidate from the GOP was racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, homophobic, etc.  The charges are almost always not only untrue, but totally baseless, but it doesn't matter.  For example, the belief of the left is that President Trump is a racist.  It doesn't matter that the African American community is doing substantially better under Trump than it did during the Obama years; Trump is still a racist.  Trump is also an anti-Semite according to the left.  Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish (she converted when she married Jared Kushner), and some of his grandchildren are Jewish.  Trump has also been the most pro-Israel president of the last 50 years.  It doesn't matter; the left "knows" he an anti-Semite.  They say it, so it must be true.

Well now the tactic is being used by the left on its own.  They are, so to speak, eating their young.  I notice this again today in a report about the controversy in New York City about Amazon locating one of its new headquarters in Queens.  The City Councilman heading the opposition said that while the 25,000 jobs would be a welcome addition to the city, he would not allow it to happen because the result would be "terrorizing immigrants" and "crushing unions". 

Think about that.  Amazon would be buying a large parcel on the East River in Queens and building billions of dollars of office towers.  It's not a residential area now, so essentially no one is being displaced.  How exactly could putting up office buildings be "terrorizing immigrants"?  I can't even come up with a scenario that could be used to argue that, but it doesn't matter.  Amazon, the mayor, and the governor (both left wing Democrats) are terrorizing immigrants.  Even stranger is the remark about crushing unions.  Adding a few billion dollars to the construction in the city would mean more work for all the building trades unions which are the strongest unions in the city after the public employees.  They would get more work which would be good for the unions and their members.  No matter; the city and state are crushing unions.

We will still have to see if the craziness actually causes the cancelation of the Amazon move to NYC, but it seems to be gaining traction.

Meanwhile, here's another bit of the same stuff in New York.  Governor Cuomo has denounced plans by the State Senate to push a bill that would raise taxes on the wealthy.  New York already has an income tax under which almost half of all revenue comes from just the top 1% of earners.  The governor noted that income tax revenues have declined by billions of dollars in 2018 and he suspects it is because some of the wealthy have moved elsewhere especially after the cap placed on the State and Local Tax Deduction under federal law.  So what is the response from the leaders of the State Senate?  These Democrats (also left wing-- it is New York after all) have denounced what Cuomo said as "Fake News".  They're not bothering to answer on the merits; I suspect they have no answer.  Instead, the try to make Cuomo into some sort of liar who just puts out Fake News.  It's a different sort of personal attack based upon nothing.

In a strange sort of way, I enjoy watching the left wing Democrats do this to each other.  Soon I expect to hear how some of the main Democrat candidates for president are actually racists or sexists or homophobic or cannibals.  Nothing should surprise us.  It's not that the story will be true, but it's coming; it's surely coming.

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