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Friday, February 1, 2019

Things Go South Fast For Northam

Democrat governor Northam of Virginia isn't have a good week.  First, he went on record supporting abortions right up to the date of delivery and then went further to support allowing babies who survive attempted abortions being left to die.  It's hard for Northam to get as low as his support for killing babies, but today's news brings a rather good attempt.  The Virginia Pilot website found Northem's yearbook page from medical school.  Here it is:

The yearbook was from 1986.  How many American politicians could survive having put a picture of blackface and in a KKK robe in their yearbook?  Remember, this is medical school, not high school.  Northam can't claim to have not known how offensive this photo is.

This may be the end of Northam's political career.  You can be sure that if Northam were a Republican, the media storm would be overwhelming.

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