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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The State of the Union Is Good

President Trump's State of the Union address is over, and it was quite good.  It was not highly partisan, but it nevertheless presented the President's agenda in a positive way that ought to make an impression on those across the country who have an open mind.  As usual, there were moments where the image of the House chamber was more important than the words being spoken.  For example, I was surprised, indeed dumbfounded, that when the President pointed out that unemployment for African Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans is at an all time low, the Democrats in their white outfits did not applaud that tremendous achievement.  Think about that for a moment.  These Democrats claim to be the natural home for and supporters of black and Hispanic Americans, but the same Democrats couldn't be happy with the economic success of minorities because it happened under President Trump.  I thought it was a very bad moment for the Democrats.

Another strange moment came when President Trump condemned the NY law and the VA bill which would allow abortion at any time until birth and even the execution of a child born alive after an abortion.  None of the Democrats applauded other than senator Manchin from West Virginia.  There can be and are disputes about abortion, but for the Democrats to indicate support for killing babies born alive after an attempted abortion is a horror.  For all those pro-life individuals across America, that image made clear that the Democrats can never be allowed to regain power lest we start seeing infanticide as a regular practice.

The President created some strange moments himself with his delivery of the speech.  On more than one occasion, Trump went from one topic to another without so much as a breath in between.  The subject changes sometimes seemed startling.

Overall, perhaps the most important effect of the speech is that it gave President Trump the ability to set forth his achievements and his program directly to the American people.  Right now, the Democrat response is on TV being delivered by a failed candidate for governor of Georgia who has never held any office other than in the state legislature.  Then we will get the endless spin.  Some Republicans will tell us how this was the greatest address of all time.  Some Democrats will denounce the speech as a farce and a failure.  There's really no need to watch both side spin.  What was important was the speech itself, and that's the part that most Americans watch.  And it went well.

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