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Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday's big News: Another Lie

Since it is Friday afternoon, we got another bit of information that is really big news.  We learned that roughly 30,000 emails sent or received by Lois Lerner of the IRS have been recovered from data files of the federal government.  These are some, or perhaps all, of the emails that the administration told Congress had been lost forever when the hard drive of Lerner's computer crashed some years ago.

So what does all this mean?  Here's the answer:

1.  The IRS Commissioner lied to Congress repeatedly.  He swore that the Lerner emails were gone and that there was no way to recover them.  Maybe he misunderstood, but more likely he was just telling lies like the rest of the administration.

2.  The convenient crash of Lerner's hard drive seems now unlikely to protect her from the consequences of her actions at the IRS.  No one yet knows the full content of the email, but it seems very likely that Lerner's plans and actions with regard to the targeting of conservative and Christian groups will be fully disclosed.  This is a bad day for Lerner.

3.  President Obama said that there was not a smidgeon of corruption at the IRS.  Now we all knew when he said it that he was not telling the truth, but the smoking gun has now been recovered.  I guess another lie from Obama is not big news, but getting the truth out is still important.

4.  Hopefully, the recovery of these email will permit those whose rights were violated by the IRS to be compensated for what happened to them.  Hopefully, this recovery will also lead to punishment for the perpetrators of this outrageous conduct at the IRS and for those at the White House who may have been involved.


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