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Friday, November 21, 2014

Gruberism Without Gruber

Jonathan Gruber made clear in all those videos that president Obama and the Obamacrats intentionally lied to the American people about what was included in Obamacare and about how it would affect individuals across the country.  Gruber was explicit in stating that without the lies from Obama and his party, the law would never have been passed.  Gruber attributed the success of the lies to the "stupidity" of the American voter.

Well here we are just a few weeks after those videos surfaced and Obama and the Obamacrats are at it again.  This time, the subject is the ability of the president to make the changes in the immigration laws that he announced last night.  Today, we have Democrat after Democrat telling the American people that Obama clearly had the power to issue the order changing the immigration laws.  They tell us this is nothing more than prosecutorial discretion; Obama is just deciding not to prosecute the over five million people who are affected by the new rules he issued and that provides a full basis for his action.  Then they tell us that president Reagan and the first president Bush did the same thing.  But these are lies.  Indeed, they are big, big lies, with almost no relationship to the truth.

A president certainly has prosecutorial discretion.  That's about as far as we can go in saying the Democrat position is true.  The president, however, cannot write laws or change existing laws.  For example, the president cannot decide that murder of federal officials is okay and announce that the government will no longer enforce the law against that crime.  That would be changing the law while calling it "prosecutorial discretion" and it is something beyond Obama's powers.  If murder is too extreme an example for you to consider, then look at it this way:  Obama cannot decide that smuggling of drugs into the USA should not be a crime and order that prosecutions for that crime stop.  The law against that smuggling cannot be changed by executive action.  But that is exactly what Obama has just done with the immigration laws.

It goes further, however.  Obama's order does not just halt prosecution of illegals.  Obama will provide illegals with enrollment in Social Security.  That means that these illegals will get social security benefits when they retire even though they are not in the group that is supposed to receive such benefits.  Obama has also conferred a legal status on these people to which they are not entitled under the law.  It is as if Obama issued an order that said that all firefighters across America can now get free medical care in the VA system.  The law says that the VA is for treating veterans.  Obama cannot confer that benefit on firemen by executive action when Congress did not approve.  But that is exactly the sort of thing that Obama claims to have done with his new orders on immigration.

So, when Democrats say that prosecutorial discretion provides a basis for all of Obama's actions, they are telling lies.

Then there is the silly comparison with Reagan and Bush.  In the 1980s, Congress amended the immigration law and provided that there would be protection for family units under that new law.  Congress, however, did not give a clear definition of who was included in "family units" that were now protected.  President Reagan and later president Bush issued orders clarifying the meaning of family units and that clarification provided protection to many people.  That is exactly the sort of order which is within the power of the president.  Obama, on the other hand, is not clarifying a murky area of the law; he is overturning clear law with his order.  That means that claiming that Reagan and Bush did the same thing is just another lie.

This time, professor Gruber is not involved.  We have big lies coming from Obama and the Obamacrats.  It is Gruberism without Gruber.


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