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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Predictions for Tuesday

Since I have written many times about others views of who will win on Tuesday, I figure that I ought to put my own predictions out there.  So here goes:

For the Senate I expect that the GOP will most likely end up with 53 seats.  That is a pick up of eight seats.  Certain seats are clearly going to switch from Democrat to Republican; these include Montana, South Dakota, West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana (after a runoff in December), Alaska, Colorado and Iowa.  Republicans will hold their seats in Kentucky and Georgia.  Republicans also ought to win in Kansas after the big gaffe made by Independent/liberal Orman in calling Bob Dole a clown (which is a major mistake in Kansas).  Republicans ought to pick up at least one seat from among New Hampshire, North Carolina, Minnesota, Michigan, and even New Mexico and Virginia.

In the House, there will be a net gain by the GOP of at least 15 seats.  There seems to be only one seat currently held by a Republican that is in jeopardy of flipping to the Democrats.  There are at least 20 that may move the other way.

Among the governor's races, the picture remains murkier.  Here too, I expect pick ups by the GOP of at least one seat.  The quality of the seats held by the Democrats looks likely to improve, however.  Barring a major surprise, the Democrats will win in Pennsylvania and they may win also in Florida.  Even a possible Republican pick up in Illinois would not offset those two losses.

State legislatures are not the subject of polling by national pollsters. Nevertheless, the likely outcome here is that the GOP should pick up control of between three and five legislative houses in states across the country. 

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