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Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Perspective That Distance Provides

I have been out of the country for the last two weeks and unable to post.  It is amazing the additional perspective that being 6000 miles from home provides.  I also have to say that some things that I often discuss in posts became much clearer as I got near to the actual events.  For example, the other morning, I actually watched from a mountainside as the Assad forces in Syria shelled al Qaeda terrorists who had taken control of the southwestern borders of the country.  There is non=stop debate in America about whether or not shots should be taken or bombs dropped if civilians might be hit.  Just think of the criticism leveled at the Israelis when civilians were hit in Gaza.  That debate seems silly, however, when you watch an artillery barrage from Assad's Shiite troops destroying areas and people in an attempt to prevent the al Qaeda terrorists from taking more territory.  (It is important to note that neither side here was ISIS.  It was just Assad and his terrorist sidekicks from Hezbollah shooting at the Sunni terrorists from al Qaeda; the medieval Sunni terrorist group ISIS had no involvement.  We were not close enough to see who, if anyone was killed in the barrages, but the outlook of the terrorists that civilian casualties do not matter in the least was blatantly apparent.  It seems that the West fights with the Geneva convention in mind while the Islamic terrorists fight to kill anyone and everyone who do not agree with them.


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