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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Something Totally Different

Governor Scott Walker has written an op-ed in today's USA Today in which he says that he is not going to take the bait when the media asks questions about someone's religion or other extraneous matters.  Instead, Walker says, he is going to stay focused on the issues that matter to the people of Wisconsin (and the people of America.)  All I can say is that it's about time we had a politician who recognized the ongoing media gotcha questions for the nonsense that they are and who refused to participate.  In 2012, Democrat operative (excuse me, I am supposed to say "reporter") George Stephanopoulos famously asked Mitt Romney a question about limits on birth control to start the meme about the supposed "War on Women" by the GOP.  There was no issue about limits on birth control at the time, and there never was such an issue after that, but the phony claims went forward after that through the entire election.  That question by Stephanopoulos at least pertained to an issue that had been on the table 50 years earlier.  Questioning Walker about president Obama's religion (the latest attempt at a gotcha question of the Wisconsin governor) does not even have the relevance of an old issue.

I do not know how the country will react to Walker's position.  There is a reader's poll in response to his column where over 80% of respondents support him, but that is hardly scientific.  I'd like to think that the American people will understand what he is saying and approve of it.  Jobs and national security are much more important than Obama's religion or whether Walker paid attention in a class in college thirty years ago.  If that view prevails, the mainstream media will be hysterical.  It would stop them from being able to control the conversation so as to focus on silly little items rather than on the issues where their favored candidates have such a deficient track record.

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