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Sunday, February 15, 2015

This is Getting Ridiculous

The full scale early attack on Republican candidates for president by the mainstream media is getting to the point where it is best described as ridiculous.  In the last week we had attack pieces on Scott Walker in the Washington Post for getting a good job during his senior year in college and leaving without his degree (oh the horror!) as well as one in the New York Times that denounces Walker for causing massive teacher layoffs in Wisconsin in 2010 even though Walker did not become governor until 2011.  (By the way, there is still no correction in the Times.  So much for journalistic intergrity.  Maybe there's a job at the Times for Brian Williams.)  Today, we have a new hit piece that denounces Jeb Bush for making use of his family connections.

The idea that as the son of a president Jeb Bush had certain advantages seems to horrify the mainstream media.  They think it disqualifies him somehow from being president.  That's right, the same people who elevate the presidential family to celebrity status are now denouncing the family for living with the inevitable results of celebrity status.  And the funny thing is that the things that are pointed out about Jeb Bush are hardly items worth mentioning.

I have a suggestion for the Times and the WaPo:  write an article exposing how NBC hired Chelsea Clinton for just under three quarters of a million dollars per year to be an on air reporter doing interviews.  They could point out that Chelsea had no background in either television or journalism but got the job ahead of hundreds of other reporters who would have loved the position.  They could also point out that Chelsea was so incompetent as a reporter that she almost never made it on the air (but those paychecks still kept coming.)  Maybe they could also point out that in hiring Chelsea, NBC guaranteed its position with her parents.  That would be a story; Jeb Bush, not so much.



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