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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Another Pernicious Lie From Washington

Traffic was heavy at the Obamacare exchange website on Monday and Tuesday.  That is a fact.  The discussion of that fact from the Obama White House was that the heavy traffic shows that the Obamacare law is "what Americans want."  That is a lie, and a truly pernicious lie at that.

Consider this:  millions of Americans have had their insurance policies cancelled because of Obamacare.  These are people who already had insurance; it is reasonable to assume that they had insurance because they chose it.  These people want to replace that insurance, and the only way to do that is to go on the exchange.  For October and November and parts of December, these same people could not use the exchange because it was crashing so frequently as to be unusable, so in order to have coverage continue in January, they were all on the exchange in the last two weeks.  The question then becomes whether or not these people are on the exchange because it is what they want or because they have no alternative if they are to have any sort of health insurance?

Then there are the millions of people who were uninsured prior to Obamacare.  These are people who are now required by law to get insurance.  Is it any surprise that many of them are on the exchange seeking to comply with that legal requirement?  Is it any surprise that the earlier failure of the exchange has bunched these people into the short period during December when the site worked?  So are people who comply with the law on the site because it is what they want or because the law requires it?

The truth is that there was heavy traffic at the exchange website.  It is also that we do not know how many people actually signed up for insurance during that time, although the lack of any figures being leaked by the White House is a pretty good indication that while traffic was way up, sales of insurance were not.  Those figures will come in due time.  What is certain, however, is that the heavy traffic is not an expression of approval by the vast bulk of those on the site.  Any claim to the contrary is just a lie.  It makes one wonder what Obama will say next:  maybe we will hear that the fact that the wealthiest 1% of the country is paying higher income taxes is proof that this is what they wanted.  Another possible Obama argument is that the fact that our armed forces are engaged in firefights with Taliban and terrorist forces in Afghanistan is an indication that this is what these soldiers want to do.  How about this one:  the fact that most Americans with cancer undergo chemotherapy proves that they really all wanted to do that.

It was bad enough when Obama told lie after lie to get Obamacare passed in the first place.  It is much worse that now, after all the other lies were exposed, Obama just continues his campaign of dishonesty towards the American people.  We truly deserve better from our president.

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