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Friday, December 6, 2013

The Persistence of Reality

One thing that has to be said about reality is that it's always there.  Even for people who see the world in a delusional way, the actual reality is still something with which they must deal.  I was reminded of this truth today when I read an article at Politico considering the "horrible" possibility that on January 1 of 2014, the number of uninsured in the USA would rise rather than fall due to Obamacare.

Politico is a website that reports on everything "political".  It is normally in support of the Democrats and president Obama, not, perhaps, to the extent of a propaganda mill like MSNBC, but still with a major pro-Obama slant to the coverage.  In the last two months, Politico has been forced by events to cover the problems with the Obamacare law and website, but the slant has been that those problems are temporary and are being solved.  Then came that pesky reality which forced its way into the consciousness at Politico.  Anyone who has been paying attention knows that it is very likely that there will be fewer Americans insured when 2014 starts that there were in 2013, all as a result of Obamacare.  You cannot cancel six million individual policies and raise the prices by extraordinary numbers on employer plans as well as the individual ones without forcing millions of folks to give up their coverage, but that is just what Obamacare has done.  If you combine those losses with a website which has not, to date, been able to sign up most people, there is no way for those losing coverage to get a new plan.  After all, if they go directly to an insurance company, they lose their ability to get a federal subsidy, a necessary item for most who seek coverage.

My point, however, is not that Obamacare is actually reducing coverage.  That has been discussed at great length both here and elsewhere for a long time.  What is remarkable today is that Politico has finally noticed the problem and is now commenting on it.  If a Democrat outlet like Politico is realizing the impending disaster for millions of folks who will be left without coverage, that means that even in the center of the bubble, the White House, they must realize what is about to happen.

Keep watching for signs of panic coming from the Democrats.  They are coming and they are inevitable.


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