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Monday, December 9, 2013

Waking Up to the Horror of the Truth

It may seem perverse, but I get a laugh these days when I look at the news about Obamacare.  An article on Yahoo news announces that the reporter is shocked to learn that the average deductible for insurance on the Obamacare exchange is roughly $2000 higher per person than was the case with similar insurance before Obamacare.  I can almost hear the quaver in the reporter's voice as he or she notes that the people who will get insurance under Obamacare for the first time will not be able, for the most part, to get healthcare under that insurance since they won't be able to pay the deductibles.  Then there are the AP articles expressing shock that the best hospitals are not included in the networks of nearly all the plans offered under Obamacare.  That means that for those folks who get insurance on the Obamacare exchange and who can manage to pay the deductibles, the healthcare that they will get will be second rate because all the good hospitals and doctors are not in the plans.  Then there are the articles which are still surprised to realize that the Obamacare exchange will not be able to get insurance in place for enough people so that the number of insured will increase on January 1 rather than decrease.

You may ask why this news is humorous.  It's not.  More people across America are losing insurance rather than gaining it.  People buying insurance are learning to their chagrin that the deductibles are so high that they cannot afford to pay for healthcare despite now having insurance.  More people are also learning that although they have insurance, they no longer have access to the best doctors and hospitals.  Obamacare has guaranteed that only the wealthy will be able to get first class healthcare and the rest of America will be relegated to second class facilities.  Overall, this is a nightmare.

My point, however, is not that the news is funny.  What is funny, however, is the shock expressed in the mainstream media as the actual reality of Obamacare becomes clear.  Conservatives have been warning about these consequences for years now, but the liberal media is still shocked.  Everything we said would happen is coming to pass, but the liberal media just ignored the warnings; after all, they came from conservatives, so they must be wrong (or so they thought).  These folks who have lived in the bubble so long that they forgot the real world, are now being reintroduced to the reality of an inept government destroying whole segments of society based upon theories of how society should work rather than upon the actual facts.

In 2007 and 2008, our economy was nearly destroyed when the last great liberal social experiment came crashing down.  It turned out that there really was a reason why the poor were unable to get mortgage loans to buy homes for all those centuries:  they couldn't afford to pay the loans back.  Let's hope that the liberal delusion of Obamacare does less damage than the recession did.


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