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Thursday, December 19, 2013

The 1950s may soon end in Cuba

If you ever see photographs of Havana, the most striking thing usually is the presence of cars from the 1950s on the streets of the Cuban capital.  The reason why these old gas guzzling polluters still roll through the streets of the island nation is that the Castro/Communist government has prohibited importation of most new cars as well as the purchase and sale of all cars for decades.  Anyone wanting a car had to get all sorts of approvals (usually limited to those with government connections) and even then, the selection was limited to the cars already on the island. 

That all may be changing.  The Cuban government has now announced that it will allow people to buy and sell cars already in Cuba without prior approval by the bureaucracy.  It is a change that was in the works for the last five years.  Cubans will still be barred from importing cars from abroad, and they will still have to pay enormous taxes for the privilege of owning a car, but they won't (supposedly) need to have pull with the government to buy a vehicle any more.

The next time someone tells you about the wonderful health care in Cuba, think about the life of the Cuban people.  They all live in poverty (from the Progressive point of view that means there is no inequality.)  They are not free to live as they want -- that is why it is a big deal that the government will now allow, ALLOW the Cubans to buy cars without prior permission.  Their lives are hard.  They cannot even speak their minds.  They certainly cannot follow a religion without suffering severe consequences.  Their medical facilities are not even second class; third class would be the best description.  But they get treatment from the decrepit medical system which uses outmoded procedures and does not have modern medicines for a very low charge.  In other words, those with serious illnesses that could be cured in America get to die in equality in Cuba.  Only a Progressive could tell you about the wonders of that system.


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