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Friday, December 12, 2014

Another Media Failure

Yesterday, on Fox News Special Report, reporter James Rosen told viewers that Bloomberg news had criticized former vice president Dick Cheney for criticizing the senate Democrats' torture report even though he admitted that he had not read the entire document.  I was struck by how silly Rosen's report was.  Cheney had been interviewed on the same show, Special Report, the night before and had said that he had not read the complete report because it was 6000 pages long.  That made sense to me; after all, the report was just released a few days ago.  The portion of the report available to the public is just the summary (which is 500 pages long by itself), but Cheney would obviously have the security clearance needed to see the entire document, not just the summary.

I was not surprised that Bloomberg would issue criticism of Cheney without mentioning that he had been talking about the entire report; it was typical, in fact, for Bloomberg.  I was surprised at Rosen, however, so I tweeted him and asked why he omitted the 6000 page length from his report.  Rosen replied that the report released had been 500 pages.  Now that means that either Rosen did not understand that all that the public has seen is just the Executive Summary portion of the report or he was saying this intentionally to cover up the mistake.

This is a little point, but it is worth mentioning.

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