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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Where There's Smoke...

Politico has an article today about an ongoing conference in DC of very liberal Democrats.  The details are unimportant, but the topic sentence is not.  According to Politico, Elizabeth Warren is "catching fire" at the conference.  The very liberal group is gravitating towards Liz and away from Hillary Clinton at a rapid rate. is now supporting a draft Warren movement with a contribution of $1 million.  Mrs. Clinton, you see, is too "hawkish" and too "close to Wall Street" for the lefties at this meeting.  On top of that, Mrs. Clinton is a stale relic, a leftover from the twentieth century.

The idea of a Warren candidacy is very appealing to me.  Without a doubt, Warren would present a very liberal choice for the public.  If the Republicans present a conservative alternative, the American voters would get a real choice of direction for the country for once.  My guess is that a majority will go conservative.

A Warren candidacy also would provide the basis for some great ideas.

For example, Warren could have a group of female supporters called the "Democrat Warren Women."  They could combat the "Republican War on Women."

Given her past questionable claims of being part Native American, Warren could base part of her campaign on railing against the name of the Washington Redskins.

Since Hillary is too "hawkish", Warren could call for transferring all CIA employees to Guantanamo on the basis of the just released torture report by the Democrats on the Senate Intelligence committee.


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