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Friday, December 19, 2014

Obama's Press Conference

Did you watch any of president Obama's year end press conference?  If you did, would you like a cup of coffee to wake up?  The presser was better than any sleep aid I have ever heard of.  The is an old horror movie (at least there is so long as the North Koreans don't object) in which people are infected with a disease that produces "the living death".  The disease turns people into creatures who shuffle along and kill any uninfected people they happen upon.  In many ways, watching Obama's press conference was a lot like catching that living death disease.

It was a presidential news conference, but there was nothing presidential about it and it produced no news.  Oh, there will be the obligatory stories from the mainstream media talking about how Obama said that the US economy is resurgent, but there was no news, just talking points.  Obama discussed the North Korean hacking of SONY and the terror threats that followed, but we learned nothing. 

The truth is that Obama is already on vacation. 


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