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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Joy to Their World

SONY Pictures has capitulated to the North Koreans.  The threat from Pyongyang to target theaters in the USA with terror attacks on Christmas if they show The Interview has worked.  The movie (which looked like a dud anyway) has been pulled by the studio.  When I first heard the news, I thought that SONY must be reeling from the news, but then I realized:  most of the executives in Hollywood must be thrilled.  Finally, they too were VICTIMS.  Despite white privilege and the power of the patriarchy in society, these old white guys at SONY can finally be VICTIMS!!  Oh happy day!

Hollywood, you see, is one of the few habitats of the true limousine liberal.  These are the extremely rich folks, one percenters all, who are strong progressives in their politics (even if they are not very liberal in their actions.)  They are the people who like to put on black tie and dress their wives in gowns and priceless jewels so that they can gather and denounce homelessness.  They express their liberal thought in movies that "speak truth to power" by showing the USA to be evil or broken in some way; then they go home to their multimillion dollar mansions for an evening cocktail party around the pool with a catering staff and live music.  They fly in their private jets to rallies about global warming where they harangue others to walk or bike to work rather than drive.  They spend their days trying to help "victims".  You know, people like that poor woman who was gang raped at a fraternity at U VA (even though the story is untrue). 

So, if the SONY execs get to be victims, it is a dream come true.  Finally, someone can hold a fund raiser for them.  Once again they must be chanting:  OH HAPPY DAY!!!


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