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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Short Answer

The New York Times published a column today asking "have Democrats failed the white working class?"

Here is the short answer:  YES!!!!!

Think about it.

1.  Since the Democrats took control of the White House, the real income of the average white working class household has FALLEN by more than 5%.

2.  Since the Democrats took control of the White House, the cost of living has risen dramatically in areas that impact working class families more than others.  For example, even after the recent decline, the cost of gasoline is still nearly twice what it was just six years ago.  Food costs are higher.  Housing costs are substantially higher.  Falling incomes and rising costs is a double whammy on the average working class family.

3.  The ability of lower income families to move up the economic ladder or even save for the future has been hurt severely by the policies of the Democrats.  People who used to save and earn 5% on those savings now no longer get much interest at all.  It may not seem like much for each individual, but as a group it comes to billions and billions of dollars lost.  The Democrat policies all favor the extremely wealthy individuals who can afford to invest in the stock market.

4.  Obamacare, which is another Democrat policy, has forced millions of lower income workers into part time positions instead of full time ones.  For most folks, this is a major blow to their ability to earn enough to live a decent life.

5.  The policy of non-enforcement of immigration laws and amnesty for illegals is still another body blow to lower income families.  There are suddenly millions more applicants for jobs, something that will surely keep wages from rising.  This will help the rich people that the Democrats favor, but it will hurt those at the bottom of the income ladder whose wages will suffer.

There's more, but this is enough.  It is amazing that the Times could publish this article with a straight face.


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