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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A bit of CLARITY

The big news today is not the silly contest for Speaker of the House, but the announcement by president Obama that if Congress passes a bill authorizing the Keystone XL Pipeline, he will veto it.

Let's explore what that means.  In order to pass that bill, there will need to be a bipartisan group of over 60 senators to vote for it.  We already know that about 25% of House Democrats will vote for the bill.  So a truly bipartisan action in Congress to create jobs will be vetoed by the glorious Mr. Obama. 

For years, Obama has been talking about the need for bipartisan action in Washington.  When he gets a truly bipartisan consensus, Obama prevents action.  After this, Obama can say what he likes about Keystone and bipartisanship, but, as well all know, actions speak louder than words.  This is the first of many more unveilings of the true nature of Obama for the American people.

Congratulations to the Congress for getting this to happen.


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