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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

More Lies from the Democrats

When president Obama delayed the starting date for the employer mandate in Obamacare, was that a major attack on the Obamacare legislation?  Of course not!  When the Congress extended the 2% cut in Social Security taxes for an additional year back in 2011, was that a major attack on Social Security?  Of course not!  When president Obama extended the date by which insurance policies that did not comply with the minimum Obamacare requirements had to be cancelled, was he attacking Obamacare?  NO!

Today, the House voted to extend for a short period the date by which banks around the country have to sell certain types of securities made up mostly of mortgage debts as required by the Dodd-Frank bill.  The legislation does not change the requirement that these assets be sold; it only delays the effective date in order to prevent the value of the assets from collapsing if too many are sold at one time.  To hear the Democrats tell it, however, this is a major attack on the Dodd-Frank bill.  These Democrats claim the change is another bail out for Wall Street.  No doubt that this claim will be repeated in typical brainless fashion by the mainstream media; the reporters will probably not even understand what the bill actually does.  In reality, the reporters probably won't even care since the story told by the Democrats fits with the reporters' own biases.

It would be nice if the media were to call the Democrats on these ridiculous lies just once.  I know it won't happen, but it still is nice to think that it could.  Just imagine how refreshing it would be.


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