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Monday, January 26, 2015

We Need An Explanation

There needs to be some explanation offered regarding the effect of warming.  For example, we know that the world temperature is now cooler than it was 1000 years ago.  We also know that for nearly the last 10,000 years, global temperatures have been higher than they are currently.  In fact, the entire global warming discussion usually just looks at the last century as if it were the only period during which humanity has lived, but we all know that is not true.  Essentially all human existence since the dawn of civilization has taken place in warmer temperatures than we currently have.  So here's the question:  why is there so much concern now about warming?  Why will sea levels be any more of a problem now than they were in the year 1015, a millennium ago?  Why will species like the polar bear supposedly disappear with warmer temperatures when the same species lived through much warmer periods for many thousands of years?   In short, why is a return to more normal temperatures around the globe be a bad thing?

The truth is that no one has come up with much of an answer to this basic question.  The assumption is that change will be a bad thing, but it is an assumption, not a fact. 

Remember, no matter what the cause of the world temperature, we have to realize that it is foolish for us to assume that the temperature will remain constant.  The only constant is actually CHANGE.  It got substantially colder in the late middle ages and humanity survived.  It stayed colder than normal until the start of the 19th century, and humanity survived.  All during the 19th and 20th centuries, the earth warmed (with nearly all of that period being unaffected by the factors upon which global warming is now blamed) but humanity survived and thrived.  Why should we assume that any further change is a bad thing?  Why should we assume that man can actually stop changes in the climate?

We need an answer.


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