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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Time To Respond - 3

As Americans, we need to consider the response given to the Paris terrorist attack not just by president Obama but also by other prominent members of the administration.  Consider the statement by secretary of state John Kerry.  He denounced the attack in a short statement and added this:

"No country knows better than France that freedom has a price, because France gave birth to democracy itself."

Now I have often written that when he was in the Senator, Kerry was the dumbest member of that body.  Even so, it is hard to imagine that even a dunce like Kerry could say something so wrong.  France gave birth to democracy itself?  Really?  Is he kidding?  Think about that.  During ancient times, democracy was born in Greece.  Athens was a democracy over two thousand years ago.  But maybe Kerry meant that France was the first democracy in modern times.  Even there he was wrong.  France was a monarchy from the time the country was established until 1789 when the French Revolution resulted in the death of the king and the aristocracy.  There was hardy a democracy at that point.  There was a reign of terror for a few years after which Napoleon became emperor until 1815 when the king was put back in place.  There was no democracy in France.  And remember, prior to the French Revolution, both the American Revolution and the adoption of the Constitution had taken place.  Doesn't America count as a democracy?  Shouldn't a cabinet official like Kerry know that the USA predates by many decades any hint of democracy in France?

I've said it before and, no doubt, I will say it again:  John Kerry is a moron.  Period!


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