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Sunday, January 11, 2015


All day long the top trending item on Twitter has been #ParisMarch.  The reference is, of course, to the huge demonstration today in France against the terrorists who killed so many in the last few days.  Leaders from across the world flew to Paris to participate.  David Cameron of the UK, Angela Merkel of Germany, and many other European leaders marched.  Netanyahu of Israel marched not far from Abbas of the Palestinian Authority.  Leaders came from Asia, Africa and South America.  President Obama did not go; nor did vice president Biden.  Instead, Obama sent the Attorney General who is leaving office in a few weeks.  It wasn't just leading from behind; it was ignoring things from overseas.

While Obama low key response was notable both for showing his lackadaisical attitude towards terrorism and his low regard for France, the march in Paris itself is getting much more attention than it deserves.  Sure, there were well over a million people in the streets.  So what?  Will this stop even one terror attack in the future?  The world needs action, not marches.  It needs deeds not words.  A million people marching may look good on TV, but it has no effect by itself.  Europe needs to adopt laws that strip the citizenship of people who go to fight with the terrorists in the Middle East.  It ought to be a crime to support terrorism and the criminals ought not be allowed back into the European countries.  We need a similar law here in the USA.  During a war (and this is a war), siding with the enemy ought to have consequences.


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