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Monday, January 5, 2015

On What Planet Do They Live?

The Guttmacher Institute came out with a report that says that a majority of Americans live in states that are "hostile" to abortion rights and that the trend in the states towards that hostility is extreme.  I read the report.  I have to say that I wonder how any self respecting "institute" could author such a document.

Look, someone can be pro-life or pro-choice.  That is understandable; opinions differ.  But not every regulation of abortion is a manifestation of hostility towards the practice.  Indeed, hostility at the state level really does not much matter because the Supreme Court ruled 42 years ago that the U.S. Constitution provides women with an absolute right to abortion during the first three months of pregnancy.  No action by any state can take that right away.  In the crazy world of pro-abortion politics, however, any limitation or rule regarding abortion is viewed as an attack on women's rights.

Let's look at an example.  In a few states during 2014, laws were passed that put requirements for treatment conditions at abortion clinics.  If you remember the abortion mill run by "doctor" Gosnell in Philadelphia where abortions were done in filthy conditions and some women were left with serious infections or worse, you can understand why the state ought to regulate abortions like every other sort of surgery.  Requiring standards for cleanliness, protection against infection, training, and availability of emergency hospital treatment in the case of complications are hardly manifestations of hostility towards women's rights.  It is much the same thing as local health departments inspecting restaurants to keep people who eat there safe.  Is a rule that closes restaurants that have infestations of rats something that shows "hostility" towards the rights of restaurant patrons?  Not on Earth; that is clear.

Another important example of how bizarre the report really is comes from the issue of late term abortions.  Remember, once the fetus is viable (so that it can live apart from the mother), abortions cannot be allowed under most circumstances according to the Supreme Court.  The Guttmacher Institute believes that any clarification of just when such a late term abortion is allowable is nevertheless an attack on women's rights.  This makes about as much sense as saying that a prohibition on women killing their husbands or boyfriends is an attack on women's rights.

Most people who hear about this report will never know what is in it.  The media will just talk about the assault on women's rights.  That is too bad.  The media is just repeating propaganda and it is a disservice to the American people.


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