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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Seeing the Truth

Do you know who Ron Fournier is?  Fournier is a writer for the National Journal.  He is a long time journalist whose politics are clearly Democrat/liberal.  That is why his article today is particularly interesting.  Fournier asks if president Obama actually believes what he says when he talks about bipartisan compromise, about the two parties working together in Washington for the good of the country.  While Fournier is too much of a lib to give a clear answer, he does indicate that he does not believe the call for bipartisanship that Obama delivered last night.

It is important that some journalists grasp the real truth.  Obama is no more in favor of compromise than he is in favor of human sacrifice as a means of controlling the weather.  For six years we have watched Obama talk about compromise but never to actually do anything to achieve a compromise.  Indeed, Obama has repeatedly made clear that his idea of compromise consists of Republicans changing their minds to agree with Obama's position.  For Obama, there is no give and take; there is only take.


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