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Sunday, August 14, 2016

How Bad Has It Gotten?

Yesterday afternoon in Milwaukee, police stopped a car carrying two men.  Rather than staying in the car, the two men fled the scene on foot.  One of them was armed with a gun that turned out to have been stolen in a burglary earlier this year.  Police told the man to put down the weapon, but he did not.  Gun fire broke out, although we don't know yet who fired first.  In the shooting the guy with the weapons was shot by police.  He later died.

Last night, there was rioting in Milwaukee supposedly in protest of the death of the suspect with the weapon.  Fires were set at a gas station and firefighters could not extinguish the blaze because they were being shot at. Police were injured by thrown bricks and stones.  At least two police cars were burnt.  There were multiple arrests.

Today, governor Walker of Wisconsin activated the National Guard to patrol the streets to prevent any recurrence of last night's violence. 

How bad have things gotten when "protesters" are shooting, looting and torching a neighborhood because police stop a man with a stolen gun who flees after refusing to put the gun down?  This is not a supposedly unarmed teen murdered by police.  This is a likely criminal with a gun who was shot fleeing the scene.  The truth is that this was more an excuse for some to loot and riot than any actually reason for anyone to take offense.  Good for governor Walker.  I hope he shuts down any further rioting.

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