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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

This Is CNN

Among the various TV news organizations, CNN is known for being the most supportive of Hillary Clinton.  Back in the 1990s, the joke was that CNN stood for Clinton News Network.  That history of whitewashing problems afflicting the Clintons is why these two lines from a CNN piece today really stand out:

The Clinton Foundation was not part of the recent investigation into [Hillary's] private server; it was separate. The FBI went to Justice Department earlier this year asking for it to open a case into the foundation, but the public integrity unit declined.

Think about that for a moment.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation asked for a case to be opened regarding the Clinton Foundation.  This was not a political stunt by some Republican group trying to embarrass Hillary Clinton.  This was the FBI itself.  The FBI doesn't waste its time on political moves; it would not have asked for a case to be opened if it didn't have pretty good evidence of wrongdoing by the Foundation.  That makes the answer by the Department of Justice truly astounding.  DOJ "declined" to open a case.  They said no.  The FBI requested a case be opened so that it could examine the foundation of a woman who was a candidate for president for possible illegal conduct, and the Justice Department said NO.

How could DOJ say no?  Don't the laws that apply to all of us also apply to Hillary Clinton?  Did the DOJ really refuse a request coming from the FBI?

If this story had appeared on a great many sites, I would not have believed it.  After all, the Department of Justice has been highly political under president Obama, but I still believed that it was basically honest.  Not anymore.  If CNN of all networks is telling us that the Obama DOJ shut down a request by the FBI to investigate the Clinton Foundation, then there no integrity left at the Justice Department. 

The system really IS rigged.

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