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Friday, August 19, 2016

Today's Hillary News

Here's today's news about Hillary Clinton that probably won't get much coverage.

1.  According to the New York Times, Hillary told the FBI in her interview that former secretary of state Colin Powell suggested to her that she use private email just like he did.  Clinton recounted a conversation at a dinner that they both attended during which Powell provided details about how his email had worked.

Powell issued a statement that he has no recollection of such a conversation taking place at a dinner.  Powell did describe his email set up to Clinton in an email.  It's worth noting that the email from Powell to Clinton is not among those that Clinton turned over to the State Department.  Apparently, Clinton considers communication from a former secretary to her about setting up her office communications not to be "work related".  Powell says that he just told Clinton what he had done which included using his personal email account for non-confidential messages.  When Powell came into office, there was no State Department email system that he could have used for regular messages.  When Hillary got there, however, there was an entire government system which the rules and laws required her to use.  That means that Powell couldn't have used the government system that Hillary improperly avoided.

Let's summarize:  Hillary told another lie.

2.  Also today, a new fund raising email from Hillary's campaign came to light in which Hillary says that the website does not have the right to exist and that it will be closed down if she is elected.  If I had just read a story about this rather than seeing the actual email, I would assume that someone was playing a joke on me.  The president does not get to decide which part of the media gets the protection of the First Amendment.  Hillary's statement about Brietbart is not just idiotic and un-American; it is also offensive.

Let me be clear.  I am not a fan of Breitbart.  It is unacceptable, however, for Clinton to threaten the existence of the website.

Let's put it this way.  Suppose Donald Trump had announced that he would close down or the Huffington Post if elected.  The media would be in total meltdown by now.  Hillary threatens Brietbart, and there's essentially no reaction.  It's a disgrace.

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