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Sunday, May 19, 2013

More Pfeiffer Pfumbles

I already posted about what president Obama's aide Dan Pfeiffer had to say about where Obama was during the Benghazi attacks (he says it is irrelvant).  On Face the Nation, Pfeiffer addressed the question of the Benghazi talking points, those famously false facts that Susan Rice and others told the nation in the days after the Benghazi attacks in order to mislead the public as to what had actually happened.  Pfeiffer was asked who edited these talking points and responded thusly,  "And the question isn't who edited what talking points. That is largely irrelevant."

Do you see the pattern?  Everything about Benghazi that reveals just how poorly and dishonestly the Obama folks performed is irrelevant.

Amazingly, Pfeiffer even tried to continue with the lies about the talking points.  He said that the talking points contained "the best information we had, that everyone in the administration had".

The entire world knows that by the time the talking points were released, the administration knew that they were false.  They knew this had been a terrorist attack.  They knew that the video was not involved.  They knew that there had been an earlier warning about the likely coming of the attack.  But Pfeiffer is still out there saying that the LIES were the BEST INFORMATION that the Obamacrats had.

It is amazing just how low Obama and his cronies will go in their coverup.



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