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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The War is Over!!!!!!!

President Obama announced today that the War on Terror is over.  No, that really does not do this justice.  America has fought terror for twelve long years and now that war is over.  Let me try again:

President Obama announced today that the War on Terror is over!!!!!!!!!

Let's look at how that great victory was achieved.  There have not been any terror attacks around the world for a long time.  Oh wait, there was a soldier hacked to death by Islamic extremists in London yesterday, but he was a British soldier.  They are just allies.  And there also was that guy from Chechnya who was shot to death by an FBI agent yesterday in Florida.  News reports say the he and Tamarlan Tsarnaev murdered three men in Boston in early 2012 in order to raise money so that Tsarnaev could go to Russia to train with the terrorists in Daghestan and Chechnya.  Then, of course, there was the bombing in Boston last month and the killing of the police in the shoot out that followed.  But those guys were "lone wolves" who operated in a network.  Then there were the bombings in Iraq, the attacks in Afghanistan, and all the other killings in the name of Allah in just the last two months.

The truth is that Obama's "victory" in the war on terror is a delusion.  That war will not end until both sides say it is over.  The terrorists do not give a damn what Obama says; they will go right on killing in the name of their twisted beliefs.

At the end of the war in Europe during World War II, there was VE Day.  When the war against Japan ended in that same conflict, there was VJ Day.  In honor of Obama's delusion that the war on terror has ended, he too should have an appropriate day.  For his delusion, I think we should proclaim today, May 23, 2013 as VD Day. 



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