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Monday, May 20, 2013

Yet Another Scandal for Obama

It may seem hard to imagine, but we now have another scandal involving the Obama administration and its penchant for trampling on the rights of Americans.  We already had the IRS directed to harass Tea Party and conservative group, to audit and terrorize contributors to the GOP and to leak confidential information to Obama campaign officials and Obama allies.  We also have the Department of Justice secretly grabbing the records of the phones of the AP in Washington, New York and New Haven as well as trailing one highly respected reporter from Fox News for weeks at a time.  Well now we have the Department of Justice intentionally and improperly leaking confidential documents in order to try to smear the whistle blowere who brought the Fast and Furious scandal to the light of day.

Here are the facts:  the US Attorney in Arizona, Dennis Burke, leaked documents to the media in an attempt to discredit John Dodson, the Fast and Furious whistle blower.  In conjunction with his leaking the documents to smear Dodson, Burke consulted with Tracy Schmaler, the Director of the DOJ Office of Public Affairs in Washington.  That means that the US Attorney in Arizona was not acting on his own, but at the behest of Washington.

Before you chalk this up as just another batch of wild charges, you need to know that the facts I list above come from a report made public today by the Department of Justice Inspector General.  To be clear, that means the facts listed above were announced today by the Department of Justice itself.  These are not charges; they are facts with which the DOJ agrees.

The conduct by these people was egregious.  Both have left the Justice Department.  Indeed, the Burke's actions have now been referred to the Office of Professional Responsibility to see if he will be the subject of disciplinary action.  What that means is that the Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing this to decide if Burke should lose his license to practice law.

There you have it.  Once again, the Obamacrats have been shown not to care at all about the rights of their opponents or the requirements of the law.  They operate instead like the secret police of some totalitarian state.  If you oppose the Obama agenda, then they will unleash the full fury of the government on you.

Obama and the Obamacrats cannot be trusted.



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