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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Who Protects Americans?

The United States of America was established because the British crown trampled on the rights of the citizenry of the colonies.  The government in London imposed taxes on the colonials without letting them be represented in the decision.  (Remember "No taxation without representation!")  The British closed ports and shut off trade and commerce to punish the colonists that disagreed with London.  The whole boot of the British government was placed on the necks of the colonists until they threw off that yoke.  The nation that was established had as its main goal the prevention of government tyranny which might unreasonably limit the rights of the people.

In that context, what is happening now in Washington is astounding.  President Obama and his administration are actively subverting the rights that this country was formed to guarantee.  Think about it:

Rights are listed specifically in the Bill of Rights.  The first amendment in the Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech, assemby, religion and of the press.  So what is freedom of speech?  Each American has the right to speak his mind without fear of retribution by the government.  What is freedom of assembly?  Again each American can get together with others to express his or her views and the government cannot act to suppress these actions.  Right now, we know that the Obama Administration has violated this guarantee of free speech and assembly.  Conservatives formed organizations to present and promote their views, and the IRS tried to stamp them out.  Tea Party groups were formed to allow like minded Americans to get together to state their positions.  Obama and his forces at the IRS tried to prevent them from being able to do just that.

Let's not forget freedom of the press.  This too is under assault by the Obamacrats.  Various reporters asked questions of government employees and got information in response.  In other words, reporters did their jobs.  The Obama administration, however, decided to secretly grab the phone records of the AP at multiple locations.  The Obama secret police then went further and targeted individual reporters like James Rosen of Fox News.  These thugs went through his email and phone records as well as those of Rosen's parents, employers and many others.  Indeed, in order to "comply" with the legal niceties, the Obama Department of Justice filed misleading and false affidavits with the federal court so that they could tiptoe through Rosen's records.  They even told the court that Rosen was a flight risk, so that they could keep their snooping secret from Rosen.  In short, the Obama DOJ did all it could to scare the press, to prevent the press from doing its job, and to limit the functioning of a free press.  Maybe things like that are expected in Venezuela or Iran, but not in America!

Americans also expect that the government will function to protect them from harm.  Surely, the ambassador and others in Benghazi has the right to expect that if they were attacked by terrorists, that Washington would do what it could to rescue them.  Instead, the Obamacrats put out an order to stand down, to do nothing to rescue those under fire in Benghazi.  And why did they do that?  Simple, it was to protect the political position of Obama.

It is hard to imagine a bigger betrayal of the basic concept of America than we are witnessing right now from Obama and the Obamacrats.  It does not matter if Obama himself gave the order to harass conservative groups, to wiretap reporters, to thwart the functioning of the Tea Party or to sit back and do nothing while the ambassador and three others died in Benghazi.  The man is supposed to be President of the United States.  He swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  That Constitution includes freedom of speech.  That Constitution includes freedom of assembly.  That Constitution includes freedom of the press.  That Constitution includes Obama's role as Commander in Chief of the military.  Obama has obligations to fulfill, and he has just given up even trying.  Indeed, rather than attempting to uphold the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, Obama claims complete ignorance about all that is happening and then sits by and watches as our freedoms are shredded by his administration.  He is not being cautious while dealing with a foreign power.  Obama is being non-responsive while dealing with his own people.  Obama is letting those who answer directly to him carry out heinous attacks on the constitutional rights of Americans.

America needs a president who will have as his first responsibility protecting the rights of all Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Having someone instead in the office who is prepared to sit and watch (or maybe help) while those three things are under assault means that America no longer has a leader who cares about Americans.

Anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis knows full well that I am a partisan, but I am not writing this now in that capacity.  I am writing as an American.  I am writing as a person who believes strongly that the American system of government, although flawed sometimes, remains the best on Earth.  I am writing as a person who believes that the wisdom of our founders brought forth an incredible advancement for all of humanity.  But for the American system to work, we need to have leaders who also subscribe to its tenets and who work tirelessly to carry them out.  Right now, we clearly do not have such a leader.  This is a calamity.  This is a disaster.  It will not do for our leader to pretend non-involvement in the government that he heads.  He has to step forward and take responsibility.  He has to step forward and stop the erosion of our liberties.  He has to step forward and jettison those who have so willingly subverted the system.  It is time for Obama to actually be president and not just play one on TV.

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