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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I have long watched the media defending president Obama and find the spectacle humorous and disquieting at the same time.  We all know that the mainstream media is hopelessly liberal, and the contortions that these reporters and editors go through to keep to the agreed narrative are amazing.

Well, now the scandals affecting president Obama are giving the mainstream media fits.  The first line of defense was that only low level employees at the IRS Cincinnati office were involved.  After that was put out there, it turned out quickly that other IRS offices were involved, including, among others, the New York and New Haven offices.  That news did not stop the original story, but then it came out that the Washington headquarters of the IRS was involved as well.  After that disclosure, the mainstream media reported the story as the low level employees going rogue and the headquarters folks trying to stop it.  Then we learned that the folks at the IRS headquarters knew of the targeting of conservatives back more than a year before the story came out and that the targeting continued.  This almost stumped the media, but Jay Carney assured them that the White House had no advance news of this problem; it was all kept at the IRS, he said.  So the media reported that new twist.  Then we learned that the Counsel to the President had learned of the problem at least a month ago.  The media reported, however, that she told no one else.  The line drawn in the sand by the media kept moving backwards.  In the last day or so, we learned that the White House Chief of Staff knew about the IRS targeting conservatives but the White House took no steps to stop it.  This news has thrown the media into a total tizzy.  They well know that despite the current denials, there is no way that the Chief of Staff kept this news from the president.  That means Obama knew and LET IT CONTINUE!!!!!!

That brings us to today's retreat by the media.  The new story is that although the IRS targeted conservatives illegally, Obama knew nothing about it before the election.  That's right, it doesn't matter if Obama knew about the IRS crimes and took no action to stop it; it only matters if he knew before the election.  BEFORE THE ELECTION!!!  Are they kidding?

But there they are, the Washington media establishment trying to protect Obama.  David Gergen furrowed his brow and somberly announced that the key is if Obama knew before the election.  Other media are at it as well.  In essence this new defense is that it is fine if the president lets the IRS break the law and harrass Americans for exercising their rights to free speech so long as it only happened after the election.  What's next?  Is it okay to murder your neighbor after November 1 each year?  Can we all cheat on our taxes once the 4th of July has come and gone each year?  Are we allowed to commit hate crimes after Halloween?  ARE THEY KIDDING?

The truth is that this new line of defense is an indication that the media has nothing rational to say.  What the Administration had the IRS do is criminal, reprehensible, and un American.  There is no defense. 


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