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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Where Are the New Ideas?

For most of his presidency, Barack Obama has come up with few new ideas.  Even the few things that Obama actually did like the stimulus and Obamacare are retreads of earlier ideas.  We find ourselves five years into the Age of Obama with nothing changed.  All that has happened has been the continued deterioration of  America.

Where are Obama's ideas on how to fix the economy?

Where are Obama's ideas on how to fix our immigration system?  We know that there is the so called gang of eight proposal, but what is Obama's plan?

Where are Obama's ideas on how to stop the IRS from persecuting individuals and groups on the basis of their politics?

Where are Obama's ideas on how to increase employment, promote economic growth, close the deficit and all the rest of the economic issues?  Sure, Obama wants to raise taxes, but even he admits that this will not increase employment or growth.

Aren't we entitled as Americans to a leader who at least tries to put forth a plan to help improve things?  Isn't there more to being president than making speeches and campaigning non stop?

Obama needs to stop posing and start working.  We need a real president.


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