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Thursday, May 12, 2016

A New Clinton Scandal?

The Wall Street Journal broke a story today about another Clinton scandal.  This time the story is about how the Clinton foundation and its affiliates steered a multi-million dollar grant to a for profit company owned by major Clinton contributors and political allies.  The foundation is supposed to be a charity, but it functioned rather far from the normal charitable channels.  We already knew that less than 20% of what the foundation spent each year went for actual charitable grants.  The rest was for so called "expenses" which included all sorts of travel expenses for Bill and Hillary as well as hefty salaries for Clinton political operatives.  The Clintons even managed to get approved as a charitable organization so that contributions to what seems to operate like a Clinton political slush fund were tax deductible.  Now we also know that the organization was used to steer big batches of cash to Clinton allies as well.

So far, there's almost no coverage in the media of this story.  That is just another disgusting display by the mainstream media.  The reality is that Hillary Clinton really does seem to be "Crooked Hillary", the name Trump gave her.

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